Body Image Equality Focus
How we think and feel about our bodies may have shifted over the last few years. You may be conscious of the Body Positive Revolution; while some colleagues might be unaware that anything has really shifted around our relations to bodies; ours and each others.
But a lot has shifted and it's no longer OK to talk about bodies - ours or others - in the way that was once acceptable.
While the younger generations now have guidance and awareness raising in schools, there are generations that did not. Somehow the two need to converge to create deep, authentic change.
Many workplaces still experience diet / fat talk, microaggressions/discrimination dressed up as jokes or banter and body-based othering / bias.
This can have implications especially if you are a customer-facing organisation in regards to how you market and brand your company.
This session is designed for organisations looking to truly peel back the layers of our cultural bias and work towards tangible inclusion and acceptance... of everybody.
Option: Offer two sessions - one working group to ascertain any organisational issues and a further global / managerial group to feedback and develop strategy to serve all.
1 hr £950 online