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Phone Freedom Wellbeing Session

​This session offers a skillset of healthy tech habits. 


An opportunity to reflect on how we behave in our personal online world. It's shaped for us and by us. Are we using it to our best advantage? Are we being smart? Or are we being... well...


This applies to most adults: We weren't taught any digital wellbeing know-how.  Kids are these days, as a statutory requirement, so it must be important!


​Let's unpack it, streamline our experience and free up our: lives, work, time, relationships, money, satisfaction levels, wellbeing...


Includes: Three one-minute exercises to shift our behaviour


1 hr Masterclass from £980 / January Sale  50% off £490


Full Day Workshop (Combined Workshop Options)£1450 / January Sale 50% off £745


Sessions can be online (record and share) or in-person (expenses may apply).






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